Sit Back and Relax


We can all identify with waiting. It happens all through life. When you are in the middle of it, it seems like forever! For instance, I am the best at picking out the longest check out line at the grocery store. I’m usually in a hurry and that is when the person in front of me needs a price check, forgets money, card is denied, coupons won’t work, or it’s the cashiers 1st day! All of these things happen and it’s normal. However, when you are watching, focusing on your plans for the day and can’t do anything about it…it just seems to happen in slow motion. Well, that is a silly little example that has happened to most of us. However, it can also be related to bigger things that we are waiting on.


So many times in life we try to control circumstances or timing. However, if we just give it over to God we can sit back and relax. I would love to watch life happen and not worry about the outcome because God has the perfect plan. Yes, I know that requires us to get up and say yes to God. If we were  able to do these things without frustration or worry about running out of time or determining if we are on the path God wants for us, that would make things much more enjoyable! So, why is it so hard to give over control to God….live in faith…..have full trust that His plan is the best?

*Well, that is what I’m working on. I’m really trying to turn my focus on what the scripture says not what my time-table says. Scripture talks about our future, who we were created to be, and great tips on decision-making. This is not an easy thing but it is life changing!

I really notice that keeping a journal or blogging is important for me in order to focus on God’s blessings and promises. When I feel discouraged, I just have to pick up a journal or read old posts to remember that there are specific things God has done for us. I encourage everyone to keep some kind of record of your blessings. It is totally worth it!

This blog is a reminder of the things God has put in our path to show us He is right there  with us. Blessings are all around.